Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tuck's Fuzzibunz. December 2012.

Todd and I have made the decision to use cloth diapers for our babies. We have had some interesting looks and crude remarks from some, and a thumbs up, high-five, pat-on-the-back support from others. This will be new to us, but we have great resources available to help us with our questions, troubleshooting, etc. Overall, we feel cloth diapers are much more cost effective, without a doubt more eco-friendly, and are just way cuter than I believe they are so much better for your baby's skin....and working at a Children's Hospital, I have seen my fair share of diaper dermatitis and excoriated bottoms.

We have researched many different types, brands, size-options, styles, etc. We are heavily relying on the experience from our sister-n-law Rebecca (who has used cloth diapers with James), and our favorite, all-natural parenting store, Fluff-n-Stuff. We have recieved such great information from them, and certainly look forward to continued learning as we move forward.

These are fuzzibunz one-size cloth diapers, which we purchased during a HUGE after Christmas sale at Fluff-n-Stuff. They were marked 50% off, with an additional 50% off. That's my kind of deal!!

Since we have been asked so many questions, I thought I would share some of the information that we found to be most informative....

This information is taken directly from the Charlie Banana cloth diapering website, which gives you some of the most beneficial and easy-to-understand information regarding the eco-friendly and economical benefits of using cloth diapers vs disposable.

One child will use approximately 6,000 disposable diapers by the age of 24 months, resulting in one ton of rubbish. Disposable diapers take over 500 years to decompose, and no one is even sure if they ever fully break down.  Parents are supposed to remove solids and flush them down the toilet, but this rarely happens. Instead the solids end up in landfills, the bacteria contaminating ground water and posing a threat to wildlife and the ecosystem. Not what one may think about when tossing a disposable diaper in the trash!

And this does not take into account the resources required to produce and distribute disposable diapers, as well as things like packaging, disposable wipes, and diaper pail. Some studies even try to convince parents that cloth diapers are more wasteful than disposables because you have to launder them. Nice try!!! Guess who financed those studies?!

On the other hand, a supply of just 24-36 cloth diapers will use very few resources and will result in little waste. Today’s washing machines are great at conserving water and energy and the laundry soaps are so efficient that you only need to use a small amount. Realistically one load of laundry uses the same amount of water as a few toilet flushes that your baby when a toddler would use daily.

Today’s parents buy for their babies organic food, organic cotton clothing, the best vitamins and toys . . . but when it comes to diapers it seems totally acceptable to let their little angels sit in rough plastic bags full of chemicals 24 hours a day for 2 years! Babies’ pores and skin are so fragile and new; they absorb everything. Some parents often find crystals on top of their babies' skin when opening disposable diapers.

There are so many chemicals, including chlorine and perfume, in disposable diapers, dioxins that can quickly cause a rash. The chemical that was linked to toxic shock syndrome in tampons is still found in many disposable diaper brands. Some independent research in Germany even linked certain chemicals in disposable diapers to infertility in baby boys. Please check for yourself this BBC report.

Why use cloth diapers?
  • The designs versatility of the many cloth diapers available today are brilliant and will suit every baby’s shape and parent’s needs.
  • They are so cute and will look darling on any little one’s bottom.
  • They are so comfortable with their soft liners.
  • Your baby will be rash-free and will sleep like an angel.
  • Your baby will potty train earlier.
  • They will save you a small fortune.
  • They are easy to use and to care for.
  • You will feel so proud using cloth diapers, you'll show off your baby’s bottom every chance you get.
  • You will reduce your family’s carbon footprint.
  • And, most importantly, they will make your baby healthy and happy always!

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