Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Christmas 2016

Christmas is by FAR one of our favorite seasons of the year...and I love every single thing about this picture!!!!!!...

..we bake aaaaaalllll kinds of holiday treats and goodies...

...we love wearing Christmas pajamas...

..we love the Frosty the Snowman "lollipops" (cakepops) at Starbucks...

...we love train rides with storytime, hot cocoa and popcorn, and family and friends...

...and we love extra snuggle time and book reading in front of the Christmas tree.

Daddy picked out some very special fabric to have Julianna's new but very loved chair reupholstered. It was my mom's chair when she was a baby girl, passed to me, and now Julianna...so so special!! You'll see it at the end =)

Julianna got some extra love and hugs and LOTS of kisses from her precious cousin Patsy.

We were blessed to spend an entire weekend with her in Bristol...

...and we even had the chance to catch up with one of my best friends from elementary through high school. We LOVED our time with you, Jenni!!

We also had the honor of grabbing breakfast and catching up with Steve...a very dear soul and wonderful friend to our family...someone we love to pieces and are so blessed to know. 

Time is the only thing in life we don't get back. Once it's gone, it's gone!! 

Oh how thankful we are for this time at home with family. And I'm telling ya, her big brother makes SURE she has plenty of toys and animals to keep her happy and occupied....and I can't even talk about that bow!!! It's huge!!! But I love it!!

My little man...so so grown. 

So thankful to have shared another wonderful Christmas with you, my soulmate. God continues to see us through to another day, and there isn't anyone else I would rather walk arm in arm and hand in hand with through this journey of life than you.

My Tribe. I love them so hard it hurts. How I wish my daddy could be here to see this. I would give anything to have just one more hug in his mighty and strong arms. I have no doubt that is one reason I am so easily moved when Todd puts his mighty and strong arms around me. We love and miss you Daddy more than I could ever ever say in words!! It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of you, but JOY knowing you are perfectly healed and no longer suffering. Until I see you again and get to jump into your arms, I soooo love you...and will make sure your little Tuck and sweet Julianna know who their Papaw was and follow in the legacy of love, patience, hard work and faithfulness you left.

I pray that he always knows how deep our love is for him. I remember like it was yesterday sitting him in is brand new little "Tucker" chair, 8 months old, cute as pie... and now, so grown, so strong-willed and hard-headed like his momma, but also so tender-hearted and sweet like his daddy. Merry Christmas, Tuck. You're the very first BEST gift we've ever received.

And sweet Julie girl. You're without a doubt the other BEST gift we've ever received. Seeing you completely come to life in the last two months has brought pure joy to our hearts. You fit perfectly in this little chair, and Daddy couldn't have picked a better fabric/pattern!!! You also fit perfectly in our arms and in our family. You and your big brother are so loved and we couldn't imagine life without you. Merry Christmas, sweet Julie. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

As Iron Sharpens Iron... Thanksgiving Season 2016.

Thanksgiving this year brought an even greater abundance of love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His hand over our sweet baby girl and our family in the three weeks following her surgery. 21 days without a bottle or a paci...lots of holding, walking, crying together.... however He saw us through every night into every morning. Thankful doesn't even begin to cover how blessed we feel to have these two in our lives.

I realized how dark and painful my daughter's life must have felt during this post-op period. She NEEDED us to be there for her, to be STRONG for her. She DEPENDED on us loving her through this time. She COULDN'T get through it without us there with her every moment of the day and night. That was the VERY dependence and need I had recently found myself relying on.

How fitting that post-op day 22 fell on Thanksgiving Day. We celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with Grandad, Mimi, and Mamaw was able to come stay for a couple days again...it was so wonderful having this time with family together.

We also decided we would celebrate Julianna's 1/2 birthday. She hit her 6-month mile mark while in the hospital, and we knew we wanted to wait until she could actually have her paci and bottle again before we celebrated.

A few table decorations, some ribbon, cut-up fruit, a 1/2 strawberry cake from Litton's, mason jars with striped straws and family is all you need. Plus, I couldn't resist the pink and gold combo!!!

So blessed and thankful for Grandad and Mimi and how much they have stepped in to help us throughout this time. They are truly angels on earth, and we are BLESSED to live less than a mile from them. Something not many daughter-in-laws would be excited about, but I am so so grateful. They get to see their grandchildren every single day, and have very special time with them. They come in a pinch, and bring food and meals and cookies, and they never ever ever complain. Tuck and Julianna LOVE LOVE LOVE their grandad and mimi, and we do too...

...and we LOVE LOVE LOVE Mamaw... she doesn't get as much time with them, but the time she IS here, it's non-stop Mamaw cuddles and snuggles, and books to read, cars to race, movies to watch, snacks to share, and giggles and hugs all day long. We love you Mamaw and are so thankful you were free to spend this time celebrating Thanksgiving and this little one's half-birthday with us.

Wives, mama's of littles, don't take for granted when your husband puts his arm around you. Some of my most cherished moments and most vulnerable moments are when I'm in his arms. I'm so thankful for you Todd Mills, and for these two beautiful blessings God has given us. So thankful for His amazing grace, that saved a wretch like me...

Sweet Julianna... we gave her a brand new "mr giraffe" paci. She must have still been tender in her mouth, because she put the paci in her mouth but for only a split second before it came right back out. I didn't even think about how different a paci would feel in her mouth, against her new healing palate. Nevertheless, she held on to him for quite some time that evening....and ps-- do you seeeeeee those little cheeks on our baby girl!!!???!?!? 

Watching her thrive and grow and fill out even more just showed me every single day how much she was struggling in her first 6 months of life...  it breaks my heart at the same time, but goodness, we aren't suppose to look back or behind us, because that's never the direction we are heading. So we keep our eyes forward and look ahead with excitement and completely giddiness for what God has in store next for our family.

12.4.16. Seven months of pure joy. This girl is loving life and loving everyone she meets along the way. We call her our joyful Julianna because she truly just exudes such joy in everything she does...

We even made a trip to Western Carolina University to help our sweet Nephew James celebrate his big #5 birthday!!!! I can't believe he is 5!!! The weekend he was born followed the week we miscarried our first baby, and I won't ever forget the JOY I had in my heart for my brother and sister in law as they welcomed him into their arms. Another picture of God's amazing grace, and how He both takes away but He GIVES and it always seems to be in abundance. 

James has espcially amazing birthday parties because his daddy (my younger brother, Evan) is the head strength and conditioning coach at WCU, so we almost always get to have his little party at the field house, and Uncle Evan leads aaaaaallll of the cousins through linemen drills and races...

Little Tuck, hooked up to the sled and ready for take-off... 

We are pretty blessed in the fact that our family is still very very close, and when there is a birthday, we ALL get together to party and play. I love watching these cousins grow up together. We don't see each other every day, but its often enough that we all have a deep deep love for one another and a complete BLAST catching up and playing together and tackling...

It always seems that every time we are with family, we just top off our hearts fullness again and again. The space of time in between can seem challenging and difficult at times, but it always makes it more special when we are together.

Happy 5th Birthday, James!! We love you and your family so much! 

Julianna got to see her surgeon today for her cleft palate repair follow-up, along with about 8 other specialists to check her hearing, her speech development, her nutritional development, etc etc etc... We spent about two hours at Children's and even got to see the NEW Tower...its absolutely beautiful!! But even better than that...her ear tubes are intact, open and her hearing screen was normal. Her speech development is right on track. She is gaining weight beautifully, which we knew because she eats like a BOSS, and most of all, her new palate is absolutely perfect!!!

We celebrated with her team of specialists and with her surgeon Dr Mark Ray, who took the time and thoughtfulness to expedite the discharge process and escort us out himself!! We are just in awe of God's wonderful blessings over our family and espcially over our sweet baby girl...who by the way, has fallen back in love with mr giraffe. She tried her best to stay awake for all of the fun, but clearly couldn't hold those big brown eyes open any longer. And what a JOY it is to see her so peacfully sleeping... We will certainly continue to celebrate every single day the joyful Julianna that she is.

Now. These women. I have yet to get through sharing about them without tears pouring. They have been the most out of this world amazing small group. They will never know how special they are to me. They welcomed me into their group with open arms, and the very first night I met them I poured my heart out all over them. They too, were my saving grace during my darkest of dark days and I will never ever ever forget the impact each one of them have had and still have on my life. They are authentic. They are REAL. They are so loving, so giving, and they are humble. They make me want to be better every single day. 

In fact, we've each made big moves towards exiting the social media presence, and I (of course) have struggled the most with giving up that tie to the world. Somehow I kept getting sucked back into this never-ending vortex of connecting with feeds and stories, people I've never even met, and shared moments and intimate words which really none of them connected to my own life in any way at all.

A couple of weeks ago I reached out to and reconnected with a very dear friend of mine, who has faithfully remained off social media for an entire year. Even her last blog post dates back to October 2016, and she said it best then...

"...it's all left me desiring nothing more but to slip farther into the arms of obscurity. I've learned in today's world that obscurity, if we dare let it, equals intimacy." 

"He fell asleep last night, his hand wrapped around the inside of my elbow. In the past I would have posted it to Instagram so that the world would know we are in love. I worried for a brief second that my absence from social media has left others believing it's because something awful has happened. It's just the opposite. We somehow have found ourselves even deeper in love as of late and all I want to do is be with him undistracted."

"When I logged off social media I expected to feel disconnected, forgotten, and left out. What I did not expect is arriving at the day where I said out loud that logging off was easily the best decision I've made all year. I couldn't see how odd it all was until I climbed out of the water and saw it from afar."

...what more can I say, but thank you to my sweet friend for being bold. Thank you to my small group for leading by example. I'm on my way. =) 

"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend." 
Proverbs 27:17

Saturday, June 24, 2017

My Grace is Sufficient... Fall 2016.

In the two months leading up to these events, my world had been completely turned upside down on the inside, yet to the outsider's eye, it was the perfect dream life, and we had it all together. 

The reality, the grace of God was all that was holding us together. I remember waking up one morning, coming in to the living room and kitchen where I saw Tuck sitting on the floor playing with his race cars, and Todd in the middle of our kitchen holding and swaying our baby girl who was fast asleep in his arms. He reached his arm out for me and pulled me in to hold and sway just as tight and with more love than I could even fit inside me.

He had been up all night with her already, yet had the sweetest smile on his face and this amazing sense of comfort and confidence that spilled all over my soul...."I love you, Janice. We're gonna get through this." He didn't say "you" will get through this. "WE." 
He has always been there for me. In my worst moments and greatest life's challenges. It was no coincidence that we began our marriage and this new life together, and within a few hours--lost an incredible life... my own Daddy, who held on until just a few hours after we were married to take his last earthly breath. Day 1 of our marriage began with love, joy, elation, excitement, and also heartbreak, anger, fear, overwhelming sadness and undefinable loss. 

God knew all along the love, joy, excitement, and victories we would enjoy, AND ALSO the trials and struggles and fears we would face together as husband and wife. Only His grace and love can sustain you during these times, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt my husband was completely designed by God for me to have and to hold, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, through life and death,...

...when we bought our new home, it had what I would call an old-fashioned flower bed, but without blooming flowers... it was more of a mulch bed and that mulch was more like dirt and weeds that had sat there for years and years without any tending. Together, we dug that entire flower bed up by hand and shovel, including the brick edging, the stones and rocks throughout, and hauled it all to the woods (multiple trips back and forth) by wheelbarrow. As a farm-girl at heart, I felt completely at home through the sweat and blisters, and thought of my sweet daddy so many times and all of his hard work, and the blood, tears and sweat he shed to provide for our family. We bought and planted this tree together, and I see it so much as a beautiful reminder of my Daddy, and also of God's amazing grace that is always with us, through every season. God's grace holds us together for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and through life and death.

One of my great struggles was mommy-guilt. Guilt that aaaaaaall of the time and attention I previously could so freely give to my son, was now divided between him and our new daugter. Oh my goodness...it wasn't an even split at all. Because of her cleft palate, feeding and even at times breathing issues, Julianna was much more of a hands-on baby and really didn't sleep at all in her first 6 months of life. If she did, it was while in our arms. Tuck was this adorable, excited big brother, who had a baby sister that wasn't big enough to play with him yet, and always had one parent fully tending to her, while the other parent was trying to catch up on sleep. He found himself spending more and more time at his Grandad and Mimi's house, and enrolled at a brand new pre-school where he would spend a large majority of the day, two days a week. But yet again by the grace of God, he absolutely loved it, and this school picture--his very very first one--completely melted and broke my heart all in one. He's the sweetest little soul I've ever known, and I hope and pray he always knows how much we adore and love him.

The time had finally come for Julianna's surgical repair. We again knew in our hearts this was the very best option for Tuck, and he was craving more attention and undistracted time, which he got lots and lots and lots of at Grandad and Mimi's. It's still hard however, packing a suitcase for someone you love so much and still want with you every second of every day. 

Nevertheless, Julianna would have her surgery on a Thursday morning, November 3rd 2016, and she would require overnight monitoring in the hospital before being released the next day. We took lots and lots of pictures of her and with her leading up to her repair. I just could not stop staring into those big brown eyes. As hard as the days and nights were, we knew deep down in our hearts this surgery would be another step in a direction of healing and new life for our baby girl, and for our family. 

We knew God had this planned all along. He wasn't surprised when she was found to have a cleft palate in the newborn nursery during her first assessment. We knew He was with us day in and day out in the months leading up to this point in time. These were our last tight snuggles together before they took her out of my arms. I couldn't let my mind go with her into that room. I couldn't let myself think of all the things I knew could go wrong because WE KNEW He would also be with her while she was asleep in the operating room. We had literally hundreds and thousands of sweet family, friends, and those we've never even met praying over our precious baby girl during these hours apart. Those prayers combined with His grace and His sovereign plan over her sustained us.

I was not prepared for how she was brought back to us. She was still actively bleeding from her mouth. She was crying uncontrollably, and had obviously been in distress as her face was covered in blood from her chin to her cheeks and over her little nose. Her cry... it wasn't her. It sounded different. Muffled. Deeper. Raspy. She always had a high-pitch soft little cry, which makes sense because before her surgery she had a huge hole and opening in the roof of her mouth, so everything was wide open into her nasal cavity. Now it was closed. I hadn't even thought about how she would sound completely different. She wouldn't open her eyes. She couldn't see me, but I know she could hear me. She completely calmed as soon as I held her in my arms. I absolutely lost it and just wept over her. I didn't care that she was bloody. I wasn't concerned that she was getting blood all over my shirt and her blanket. I was just SO glad she was in my arms again. 

God's grace. He held her in the palm of His hands during our greatest moments of fear and through all of the "what' if's" leading up to this point in time...and He brought her back into our arms. I won't ever forget these moments of just quiet. Holding her. Daddy leaning in and kissing her forehead, and Julianna reaching her arm up to feel his face. She knows her daddy just as well, and she took a deep sigh and breath in that moment. We prayed together, over our sweet angel and her new palate, so carefully and perfectly pieced and stitched back together by her surgeon Dr Mark Ray. Goodness, what a calling and what a blessing he became to our family. In all of my years practicing at Children's Hospital, both as a nurse and as a Nurse Practitioner, I never dreamed I would be there with one of my own babies as a patient. But I am so forever beyond thankful and grateful for the LOVE and the care we received while there. 

11.4.16: Six months old today. It was the longest night of our life. We took 4-hr shifts holding her and rocking her. We prayed for two things: that she would open her little eyes again, and that she would be able to drink her milk through a sippy cup or at least take some from a syringe. Evening passed and morning came; neither had happened yet. We laid her down for a diaper change around 730am, and while Daddy was singing to her, she opened those big beautiful brown eyes and even smiled a little. After an hour off of her IV fluids, she finally wanted to drink some milk from a free-flow sippy cup. It wasn't much, but it was another step in the right direction, and meant we could go home later that day. After spending even just one night in the hospital, we couldn't get home fast enough! 

Three weeks without a bottle or a paci while her new palate and her mouth healed. She had this little giraffe for months leading up to her surgery, but he once had a paci attached to the end of his little nose/mouth. I won't ever forget giving him to her for the first time after her surgery, and she held him out and looked at him, very confused, looking for her paci that was no longer attached, then finally crying the most pitiful little cry of hurt feelings... she didn't understand. She had a mouth full of stitches and lots of pain. She was getting pain medication every 4 hours around the clock that made her a little sleepy and groggy. She couldn't have her bottle, and we couldn't explain any of it to her. 

Her comfort came once again in just...being... held... all the time. It was exhausting and so hard seeing your little one hurt and experience TRUE pain. Pain that you can't take away or explain. Pain that you can only medicate and hold her through. So that's exactly what we did. We took shifts holding her, feeding her, holding her, giving medicine, trying to squeeze in a little rest here and there, and time with Tuck with what we had left to give. There honestly wasn't much left to give at the time I felt, but looking back I see how it was still enough and he still felt loved and cared for and important. All a sign of God's abundant grace in our home.

My mom came and stayed a few days with us also to help with all of the things that demand your time and attention in your home that just couldn't be a priority for us. What in the world would we do without our mom's? She was a huge part of our saving grace during this transition time again at home. With her help we took a little time to get out of the condo and grab some fresh air, and a few moments of time in our new home (which we weren't living in just yet--still lots to fix up and renovate at this time)...but we had new mums on the front porch, hands full of sweet little ones, and hearts bursting with gratitude for the many blessings we did have.

Our sweet and petite six month old baby girl. You are stronger than I can say, tougher than I ever imagined, and loved so much by your big brother, Tuck and your mommy and daddy....not to mention so many more who have prayed over you throughout this entire journey. We truly can not express in words how grateful we are for all of you and for our Heavenly Father's love over us and strength within us.

Julianna quickly got the hang of her new sippy cup, and went from a max of 18oz of formula in a days time straight up to 30oz. After only a few days at home, her cheeks began filling out. Her eyes brightened. Her smile became even more joyful as she likely for the first time in a really long time actually began to feel full. She began eating apples, sweet potatoes, bananas and carrots like they were going out of style and she loved every moment of it. 

Despite going through (naturally) a little bit of separation struggles, Tuck still found so much love in Mommy and Daddy's arms...and I was completely okay that he didn't want to let go for a season.

He also found even more love in time at home with his sister. He once told me that he "prayed so hard for Julianna when she was in the hospital....,...because I love her"... and for me, these were words of affirmation that God IS big enough to allow our sweet little boy the ability to still find love in his heart for us AND his baby sister. Although it may have seemed that we were so distant and busy with life and Julianna that we didn't have time for him, that isn't at all how Tuck felt. That is the grace of God, my friends. It completely took me back to that moment in time not long ago, when Todd reached out his arm to hold and sway with me while already holding Julianna...and I realized all over again that he was still right...everything would be okay...WE would all be okay.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9.