Thursday, February 28, 2013

28 week Glucose Test. Road Trip to NC. February 1-2, 2013.

On February 1, 2013, my day started out quite differently than normal, as I was not allowed to have ANYTHING to eat or drink after midnight. For those of you who are mommy's in the making with me right now (Tiffany Barton, Stephanie Hale, Suzanne McGaha, and many many more), you have heard my stories of how I am up at least once, if not twice during the wee morning hours to drink my juice, chocolate protein shake, or something of similar nature. Not today. My last intake of anything was at 1030pm. I knew I would be VERY hungry, and I always am anyways, despite the snacks I have during the night to satisfy my growing little man. 

Thank goodness they schedule you for an early AM appointment. Todd dropped me off at the door at 830 on the dot, and I quickly signed in, and asked for my drink. Not so lucky...."just take a seat, and the nurse will be with you very soon." Thankfully, she was right, and within 5 minutes, they called my name for the usual....weight check, urine check, then instructions for the glucose testing. She handed me this lovely orange drink, and told me I had 3-5 minutes to finish it. Oh, well it took all of about 30 seconds for me to down this sucker. Haha!! I loved it. It tasted just like orange Fanta to me. Plus, I was so hungry and thirsty, that it actually satisfied my tummy for a little while. 

I waited an hour, then she called me back to prick my finger (which I really don't like; I'd much rather have a vein poked for my blood draws). Nevertheless, that wasn't my focus. Rather, the food I was about to inhale as soon as she acquired the needed blood sample for the test. My BG level was 120. Yay!! My Hgb was 12. Both right on track. My first question wasn't anything in relation to the results, but if I could eat my banana and orange, and drink my entire nalgene, then my protein shake. "Why, yes you sure can." =) Happy girl.

The nurse moved me into my room, and I patiently waited to see Sandy, the NP, all while scarving down the fruit I had. It was oh so good! When Sandy came in, she was super super sweet, and very encouraging. She told me I was the only one in the office that morning who had passed the glucose test! I was beyond thrilled that I had passed, and had no idea so many women normally failed. Thankful right in that moment to my Heavenly Father, who gave Todd and I a good kick in the rear last summer, showing us we needed to change our eating habits, or else. It has paid off for sure, and I am grateful He cares enough about our health, and our baby's health, to ensure that I wouldn't have to take the 3-hr glucose challenge. He's again, and always, so so good to us. Sometimes, you see God's intentions from the get-go, but I am learning, that His intentions for our good, are not a "one-time" deal. The benefits are life-lasting.

After our appoointment (the rest of which went very well), we hit the road to visit Evan, Becca, and James in their new home in NC. Evan was just hired as the new Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Western Carolina University; a decision that took place in about 48hrs time. That was quickly followed by an upheavel of them and all of their belongings from Canton to Cullowhee. 
Evan began working right away, as the football team was knee-deep in recruiting for national signing day the next week. Obviously, it isn't that easy for him to unload and unpack while working, and Becca has her hands full most of the time with little James, so we made the 2-hr trip through the mountains, then down into the valley to their new home. 

What a gorgeous drive! I'm normally not a fan of the mountainous drive, but this day, it was absolutely beautiful.

Western Carolina is without a doubt, the most beautiful college campus I have ever seen. Nestled right in the valley of the Nantahala National Park. It reminded Todd and I so much of Tech. We drove through the campus for awhile, of course checking out the football stadium, walking trails, University Center, etc. Then made our way over to Evan and Becca's new place. Todd worked on unloading the UHaul, while I helped Becca unpack boxes, and/or play with James so she could unpack. Either way, it was a win-win situation. Evan finished up his day, then we made a 5-minute trip into the neighboring town of Sylva for dinner.

It's definitely a small, college town, but that usually means there will be GREAT restaurants, which is what we found at Bogarts. Or, as Todd and I say b'GARTS! They had the best home cooked food. It was delicious. That has already become a "staple" restaurant for Evan and Becca, and we will certainly make plans to eat at b'GARTS every time we visit. =)

After dinner, we unpacked a little bit more, then time to hit the hay. I HAD to post this picture of Todd reading James' bedtime stories to him. I tear up every time I see this, and can't help but think about how wonderful of a daddy Todd will be. The next morning, James came straight into our room, and wanted to climb up in bed with was precious! 

Saturday, we finished unloading the truck, all while literally watching a snow storm come straight across the mountains and into the valley. Evan and Becca have the most perfect window in their living room. We could see the snow covering and hiding each distant mountain as it approached the valley of Cullowhee. It was the coolest thing ever! I believe we ended up with 4 inches or so. Yes, all while unloading big furniture pieces from the truck. That's okay, I'm really good at wiping down the snowy surfaces with a dry towel, holding the door open to bring it in, and supervising the perfect placement of each piece. Even 7 months pregnant, you can be a productive mover =)

We decided to head back that night, since the weather wasn't looking any better for the next day, and we had a break in the snow for the evening. We weren't able to help unpack all of the boxes, but at least the moving truck was empty (minus those items going into storage), and everything was safe inside their little home. We had such a great time visiting, and I won't lie....I probably slept the best I ever have throughout this entire pregnancy that night. 

We love you Evan, Becca, and Jamesy! So excited for how God is blessing your family, and providing in ways that only HE can. It's the best thing in the world to watch God pour out His loving kindness on your little brother and his family. Ok, he's not so little really...but he'll always be my baby brother. So proud of you Evan!! 

1 comment:

  1. I don't see why people complain about the glucose test either. I thought it tasted EXACTLY like orange fanta and loved it! Surprised at how so many people fail it because I think during my pregnancies is when I was the healthiest being so worried about who else was eating the foods I was. Diabetes runs in my family so I'm very paranoid about that. Reading your blogs has inspired me to change my eating habits and I'm down 6 pounds just this week. Thank you and so excited for you and Todd with the new baby coming soon. :)
