Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The BEST Birthday...ever. Septemer 12, 2012.

Following our positive pregnancy test, I immediately fell into Satan's trap of doubt/fear that this pregnancy would also end in miscarriage. As I mentioned previously, I had to put those negative thoughts and fears behind  me, and focus on the joy and excitement of what God's plan for our lives will be. 

I went into the office the week of  my positive test for blood work, and followed up 2 days later with very reassuring results. Despite this...Satan still tempted me with doubt, worry, anxiety. I couldn't wait til our first ultrasound. I needed to hear our baby's heart beating (at a normal rate, because last time, it was beating, but very slow). 

After my second visit for labs, I scheduled our first prenatal visit, which included an ultrasound of our baby, and LOTS of education. I set the appointment for September 12, not even realizing at the time that's my 30th birthday, in fact. It wasn't until I called Todd and told him the date and time of our appointment that it hit me....that's my 30th birthday!!!!! I was assured this was going to be the best birthday ever...or it could be the worst birthday ever. 

I had no choice. I could either sweat and worry over what the outcome could be, or I could trust our Heavenly Father, who is Sovereign above everything and everyone, and know that just as He took care of us through our miscarriage, He will take care of us again this time, in whatever aspect is needed. It's out of our hands, and thankfully, in His.

It's tradition for Todd and I to meet for dinner every Wednesday before choir practice. Since my appointment time was 1:30pm, he actually took a half-day from work, and we met for lunch around noon. We ate at Copper of our most favorite restaurants! Then we checked in to the doctor's office, and anxious/excitedly awaited our name to be called by the ultrasound tech.

It was only a matter of a few minutes before they called "Janice Mills" and my heart stopped, and I think I quit breathing as well. Thank Heavens Todd was with me. He sweetly grabbed my hand, and we walked back to the u/s room together. I couldn't breathe. I didn't breathe. 

Not until we saw this sweet little one pop up on the screen....

and heard this incredible heartbeat....

It was perfect. Tears poured from my eyes. I couldn't help but grin all over myself as I watched Todd's expression. With our first pregnancy, our baby's heart rate was just under 100, so it sounded more like an adult heart rate, and didn't stand out as anything impressive. This time, our baby's heart rate was 175, and for those of you who haven't heard an unborn or young infant's heart's simply incredible. We also had great gestational measurements, actually a little farther along than what I anticipated....8wks 1day =)

I was overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness, excitement, humbleness, and new fear...that we in fact, have a very healthy little one growing inside of me, which made my 30th birthday the best birthday ever.

Matthew 19:26 "With God all things are possible."

Jeremiah 1:5 "I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born."

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so incredibly happy, Janice! Tuck is such a lucky little boy and if his folks are any indication, he will bring so much goodness into this world!
