Sunday, January 20, 2013

Labor Day Weekend! Canton, GA. September 2012.

Labor Day weekend, we hit hwy 411 South and picked up mom on the way, for a visit with Evan, Rebecca, and James!! They now live in Canton, GA, where Evan is the new Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Reinhardt University!
We met them at Reinhardt for an all you can eat college lunch buffet. This is the little cutie we had lunch with, and this is the adorable face he kept making the entire time. Love those poochy little lips =)

This is their sweet family, standing in the end zone of Reinhardt's brand new football field. 

My baby brother, Evan. So proud of you!! 

Hmmm....he sure does look like an excellent daddy in the making. Jamesy is having fun in his arms too! So cute...and the most fun part is, no one knows but us!!! We are 6weeks pregnant now!! This has to be the best part of waiting to tell. We had so many inside jokes between the two of us, and little glances at each other, where we both knew exactly what the other was thinking...."they're gonna die when they find out we were pregnant and didn't tell them!!"

Evan is a great daddy. Obviously James thinks so as well. I love this picture!

After touring the new football and strength faciliteis, we hung out at their apartment for awhile, then went to dinner at their favorite Mexican restaurant...La Parilla. Actually, we didn't get to eat there, because the GA/TN game was on, and Evan and Todd just HAD to be in a restaurant where they could see the game on the big screen. So we went to a similar, neighboring mexican restaurant, where I distintcly remember freezing my hiny off. Mom and I both! This is important to remember for my upcoming blog posts ;)
Fun pictures while we silly husband.

Love him so much.

Sisters!! She's actually my sister-in-law, but we always call each other sister. I have the two best sisters ever in all the world. I love them both so dearly.

I was DYING to tell them both, but nope....mums the word for now! I find it somewhat funny though, that on the drive down to Canton, I fell asleep and took at least an hour nap. Then when we got to the apartment, I laid down on the couch for a little bit to "rest" and take a quick snooze. My mom never caught on....heehee!!

Cute little James at dinner! Wearing his daddy's hat. I love those cheeks...and gave them lots of kisses during our time there. All this time, I'm already starting to think to myself how excited I am to see this new little one on the way for us. We're only a couple weeks away from our first appointment and ultrasound. 

The next morning, we woke up early to go to the farmer's market in downtown Canton. We indulged in some terriyaki jerky, and fruit good! Not necessarily the combination per say...but separately, they were amazing!! Let the fun and random cravings begin!

There's those sweet and adorable little poochy lips again!! I just think that is the cutest thing ever!! We're coolin' it in the shade for a little bit. I of course, and starting to feel tired again, despite having just awakened about 2-3hrs prior to this little adventure.

Next stop, lunch at R&M Sandwich Shoppe.... and this was delicious! Mom and I split the philly chicken sandwich on sliced multigrain bread, and it was to die for!! It's the little things that mean so much =) like 2 kosher dill pickle spears on the side.

Fuel on board, time to head to the gym for a workout. If I've learned anything during pregnancy so far, no matter how tired you think you are, or how tired you actually are, a good solid crossfit workout will make you feel SO much better, and give you SO much more energy! So, suck up the yawns, Janice. Let's DO WORK!!

James came with us too! He loves the gym, and loves bouncing on the stability ball, and lifting little dumbbells. Currently, he wants to put everything in his mouth, so he has to be watched pretty close in the yucky germy weight room. He's such a cute reminder though, that we might have a little boy too, or we might have a little girl, that follows in our paths at the gym!!! So much fun to think about. So motivating to be healthy and fit!

And if James isn't motivating enough, Momma Barr is. She rocks it in the gym, and can sling a kettlebell around like nobody's business! I'm so impressed (but never surprised) by her work ethic. She's one tough Mamaw!!! And she will be SO excited whenever we tell her we're adding a little athlete to the family too! 

James and his sweet mommy, Rebecca! I can't wait to be a mommy too!!! Baby Mills better be ready to hit the roads walking (well, riding in his/her car seat/stroller), lifting weights with mommy, and enjoying every minute of health with which we are blessed.

Brother Evan =) also known as Evenrude!!! Haha (sorry Evan, had to throw in that little plug)!! He is quite the coach in the weight room. We worked on power lifts, and he helped me tackle my highest box jump yet (36in x1rep). Won't be doing those during pregnancy workouts. He looks like he potentially could be rough and tough, but deep down, he's really a big teddy bear....and gives great hugs!! 

Dress up time for dinner at the Japanese grill!! I think we clean up pretty well =)
This picture is also one of the best (modest) shots of our "leaned out" bodies. I said I would discuss our health transformations in this blog post...but this one is long enough as it I will make an entirely separate post for the new "us."

We had a BLAST on our trip to Canton, and can't wait to visit Evan, Rebecca, and James again VERY soon!! Thanks so much for letting us come and play! Love you guys!!

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