Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Real Food : REAL Results! September 2012.

June 2012, we started eating REAL FOOD only. 

For us, this meant the following changes:

NO fast food burgers and shakes

NO processed foods

NO hydrogenated oils

NO dairy (cow's milk)

NO soda/carbonated beverages

NO artificial sweeteners/sugar additives

NO desserts

What we began eating included LOTS of:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

100% Whole Grains/Whole Wheats

Lean Meats


Almond Milk

100% Organic Foods


This was our guide, and we stuck to it from day 1. Prior to beginning, I literally spent hours researching recipes, reading food labels, weeding out and replacing our unhealthy, refined baking ingredients/refrigerator/pantry items with REAL ingredients and fresh produce, all in order to transform our kitchen into a HEALTHY kitchen, and our bodies into healthy habitats.

What happened??
We both felt a dramatic difference in the way we felt, almost immediately. We slept better, awakened easier, had even more energy for workouts, recovered from workouts more quickly, and the most coveted result by all Americans....weight loss (FAT loss).

We took a BOD POD test to measure our results at day 1, and around day 90 (or 3 months). This test measures body density through air displacement, and then calculates your percentage of body fat and your percentage of lean muscle mass.

At 14 days....motivation to keep it up...
Todd: lost 10lbs
Janice: lost 5lbs

At 90 days:
Todd: lost 25lbs and 8% body fat.
Janice: lost 12.5lbs and 5-6% body fat

We felt incredible, and in my opinion..looked as good as we felt. It didn't matter what anyone else said, we knew the changes we had made were good, and we would stick to them.
We were told by so many people:
"you don't need to lose weight"
"you don't have any weight to lose"
"you're not eating enough"
"why do you even weigh yourself?"
"you won't ever get pregnant if you stay so skinny"

Well, let me set the record VERY clear =)

1. At 2&1/2 months (exactly 74 days) after "cleaning out" our bodies, and filling them with real, wholesome, organic food, we became pregnant. To the person that told me "you won't ever get pregnant if you stay so skinny," you were wrong.

"Skinny" doesn't mean healthy...nor does it mean unhealthy. In fact, I lost 12.5lbs, and almost 6% body fat from the time I was told I would never get pregnant, and still conceived. It's not about the weight. It's about being healthy. You're body knows where it needs to be, and providing it with the proper nutrition and exercise is all it takes....nobody else can tell you where you should be, or how you should look.

2. At 6 weeks pregnant, when I went to Eddie's Health Shoppe and took my 2nd BOD POD test, I had lost 5-6% body fat, and 12.5lbs in 90 days exactly.
I don't say this in arrogance, or to brag. I do however, want to encourage my friends who are in their child-bearing years, trying to conceive, to be mindful of how you're treating your body, and the kind of home you are creating to grow and develop your unborn baby. Everything you put into your body while pregnant, is transferred directly to your little one. Why not take the steps now to make a healthy environment for your baby??

3. Todd and I are not big on revealing our "digits" from the scale, except to each other (and a few chosen people---you know who you are). But I will say that we both weigh every single morning.
Do we care about how much we weigh? Yes, and you should too. Can we predict when the scale will have a higher reading because we didn't eat as healthy? Absolutely, and you could too. The scale WILL keep you accountable better than any one person ever will. It doesn't lie. It fluctuates with your body; it also plateaus with your body. We make no excuses for what it tells us.

It only took about 5-7 days for us to feel better, convinced that how we felt was a direct result of what we were eating. No more carb/sugar coma!! We 100% recommend giving this a try. I am more than happy to give you MANY more details of the specific foods we eat, exercise/workout blogs we follow, etc.

Happy Healthy Eating!!

1 comment:

  1. Ben and I have been doing this too. I gave up all grains, sugars and artificial sweeteners(honestly, I never used them anyway so no biggy). Ben has cheated and eaten wheat but I haven't and I feel awesome. I still drink milk and consume dairy but I've never had issues with dairy. I feel fantastic. I lost 5 lbs and 4 inches from my navel in 2 weeks time. It's awesome. I don't ever want to add grains back in in feel so much better off of them!
