Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our Little Pineapple. 33 weeks. March 5, 2013.

Today, we are 33 weeks pregnant. Our baby bump and baby center apps say that Tucker is the size of a pineapple (17in), and weighs 4.25lbs. This could very well explain why he made my belly look like a square box yesterday. He must have been stretching around or something to distort my belly the way he did. It was so funny looking :)

We had our 32 week appointment last Friday, March 1st, with Sandy. She's the nurse practitioner whom we absolutely love. If Dr Saunders isn't available, we always ask to see Sandy. Our appointment went very well. As always, we were called back, and I was asked to partake in the normal routine of a weight check, urine sample, and then move into the exam room for my BP and our office visit. Well, I haven't talked much on our blog about how forgetful I have been, but most of you know it has been a struggle, beginning around week 20, and getting much worse very quickly. As I went to give my urine sample, I completely forgot about the "sample" part of it. Yep, that's right...a perfectly good sample, straight into the toilet. Somehow I managed to provide just enough for the needed testing. I went to the exam room where Todd was waiting, laughing my head off as I entered. His response..."oh boy...what'd you do..." So I told him, and he said "that doesn't surprise me at all." Well, I knew it wouldn't, but it provided a great laugh for us and for the nurse as well once I told her. My BP was great, and Sandy came in to review everything upcoming for our next visits, answer any questions, check fetal heart tones, measure my fundal height, and inquire about his movements. Little Tuck had a superb heartbeat, and is measuring right on track for 32 weeks! It's amazing how much he's changing and growing inside me! His movements are endless, so no worries in that regard. We were in and out of the office in about 10 minutes. 

I love his movements. They are constant throughout the day, and many parts of the night. He's certainly an active little pineapple. I can't explain how it makes me feel. It's a closeness I've never experienced before, and that closeness grows (literally) every single day, and every time I feel him. I can't even think about not having him inside me without crying. It must be the protection, security and comfort I feel I'm able to give him right now, that only I can give him, that will be taken away once he's born. No one else can feel him like I can. They can see him move, and sometimes even feel him move, but not the way I can. Once he's here, everyone else will want to hold him, look at him, rock him, play with him. I can't wait to do those things as well, but right now, I can't imagine sharing what we have with anyone else. Except Todd that is. I would give anything for Todd to be able to feel what I feel, and have the closeness with him that I have. We have already grown so much closer to God, to each other, and to Tucker in these last 8 months than I ever could have imagined. I have no doubt that will continue once he's here, in our arms, in our home, and a new member of our family. If all goes according to the books, we have 7 weeks to go, maybe less.

This 33 week mark is also very surreal to me, as I have taken care of many babies in the hospital that were born at 33 weeks, some even earlier. Although time is flying by so quickly, I still feel as though I have plenty of time to enjoy him brewing and basting inside me, finish his room, prepare for the big day, and complete my nesting projects throughout the house. While that may be true for many expectant moms, especially with their first baby, it may not be the case for us. Thus, during the last week, our conversations of preparation have become more and more serious.

Last night we made the decision together that if Tuck hasn't made his grand entrance, or if he hasn't given any indication that he's going to by his due date, we would choose that day, April 23, 2013, for an induction. While I would love to go into labor spontaneously, I would much rather be able to actually deliver him than have him continue growing to a size where a c-section would be indicated.

Many women swear that a scheduled c-section is the way to go, but we really want to experience the labor and delivery process if its in the Lords plan for us to do so. It may not be, and I pray right now that He will prepare my mind, body, and heart if that's what is needed. Of course, there would be no hesitation on either of our parts if medically that is what's safest for Tucker and/or mommy.

It's certainly overwhelming to think about all that is about to change. When I look back at all that has already changed and how wonderful it has been, I get even more excited for our little pineapple to grow even more and hopefully and prayerfully make a safe and uneventful entrance into our arms. He'll be much softer than a pineapple though =)

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely on letting labor do it's thing. Just the thought of having a C-section scared me to death when I was pregnant. Luckily I had 3 good labors and I'll be the first to tell you that they get easier the more you have. Don't watch all the videos of the women screaming in pain because I've NEVER seen anyone actually have a labor like that. You've taken good care of yourself and Baby Tuck and I pray you have just as smooth of a labor. Very excited for you all!!!
