Monday, June 19, 2017

What a blessed life we live...

There are moments I can't even think or put my words together, much less put one foot in front of the other for how insanely crazy I am over this one right here. The Lord 100% knew everything I would need in a husband, father to our children, head of our household, and soulmate. I absolutely LOVE being your wife, and am so so proud to walk hand-in-hand in this life with you.
There are also mornings you wake up, and all of a sudden, out of nowhere your sweet little baby boy is THREE!!! By request, he asked for his healthy biscuit and gravy (just like the Paleo Cafe), with three star candles in it to blow out. So that's exactly what he got. We had big plans for that weekend, so a birthday breakfast was just perfect for his special day.
There are days you watch him play and run and jump and carry on adult conversations with his cousins and family. There are moments you think to yourself, how in the world can this be our firstborn son, the sweetest little 6lb 14oz baby now a giant pre-schooler who is wiser than wise. We loved loved loved celebrating you with family today, and we love love LOVE the little man you are becoming. We pray God's richest blessings over your life and we pray so heavily we lead you to love and honor Him above all and in everything you do. 
Then there are nights you just need a date to somewhere other than triage. Yes, we have gone back and forth and BACK AGAIN to the lovely triage unit at the hospital, thinking all along this little one was on her way, but NOPE...not even close. She will come when she is good and ready, and so we will enjoy a lovely dinner together again (thank you Grandad and Mimi) and cherish these last few nights as family of three...
It's safe to say, it won't be long at all, and goodness gracious if we could only begin to fathom the miracle of this sweet and precious life waiting to join us. These days and nights were filled with lots of walking, hot baths (no, not too hot) with epsom salt, LOADS of water intake, and a husband who literally waited on me hand and foot, every moment of every day. How I can not wait to see you holding our baby girl in your arms, then handing her to me... the tears will be FLOWING!!! 
Her bag is all packed and ready....
...and we spend hours and hours just like this... walking, walking, and walking more, together as a family, soaking it aaaaaaaaallllllll in. What a blessed life we live.

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