How are you ONE?!!? I vividly remember everything about the day you were born and the weeks leading up to this incredible moment for our family. Now a family of four, you perfectly completed us and made us whole.
I’ve dreamed my whole life of being a mommy and having both a son and a daughter. God tells us in His Word to ask and it will be given, and that He knows our heart’s desires. How beautiful is it that He granted those desires for me!!!
The night before your very first birthday, I held you in my arms and rocked you to sleep. I cried so many tears of joy and thankfulness and disbelief that a year had already passed. It wasn’t an easy year but it was WORTH EVERYTHING we went through to have you in our arms every day and to hear your sweet baby babbling, to feel you breathing on my neck and chest. To know that you only want to be held by us because we are where you find security and love and comfort.
There’s no greater feeling in the world than the LOVE you feel from your own babies. I am forever grateful for the valleys we’ve experienced together because I know they have made us closer and better together. You’ve made me a better wife and mama, sweet Julianna... and I am so thankful that today we get to celebrate the incredible gift of YOU!!
I prefer keeping things simple when it comes to birthdays because that seems to be the motto of our life. We enjoy and cherish the time we have together more than the “things” life provides. The best things aren’t things.
Don’t get me wrong, I will still find some cute little things to set out and decorate with, but on a small scale compared to most. It’s just our style. I will also say that pink and gold and polka dots and burlap won’t ever go out of style and I can re-use them year after year for our sweet girl!!
Our sweet friend Rachel Waddell made these little cakes and cupcakes and I just swooned over how perfect they were!!
Wrapped. That is all I can say about how her daddy is completely wrapped around her little finger!! I love how much they love each other. I adore how much she adores him. I die over the sparkle she has for him (and her brother) in her eyes.
...How could she really be so petite??...but indeed, she is the sweetest most petite little thing I have ever laid my eyes on and I can’t imagine her any other way!! I love those itty bitty feet and her cheeeeeeks!! ♥️
She for sure is fearfully and wonderfully made, perfect in the image of Him!! We are so so thankful for you sweet Julie girl. We love you as deep and as wide and as far as the ocean. Happy 1st Birthday!!
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