Friday, June 15, 2018

A Time for Every Season. Ecclesiastes 3:1.

There are times for every season and apparently a few seasons "off" from blogging. But one thing I know is true and that is I never take time away from photographing our family and especially our children. It will take me awhile to catch up, but here is a start at catching up to our current life events.

Valentines Day 2017. I say this every single year but it’s still true to this day. I couldn’t imagine living this perfectly imperfect life with anyone other than you. I’m so thankful God planned you for me. Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend and soulmate. PS-if you want an amazing burger in the Knoxville area, I will always recommend Litton’s..BUT Stock and Barrell treated us really well today and the burgers were absolutely amazing. 

Daddy shared so many kisses and hugs with our littlest valentine. As I write this, and honestly for the past YEAR, Julie has refused and protested every single little bow or headband we have tried to put on Imma sit right here for awhile and enjoy this sweet little face + stare at her handsome daddy. Looking back through these pictures has completely blown me away with how quickly these babies grow up! All the tears.

If there’s one thing you’ll find is very consistent with our babies, it’s that they always wear Freshly Picked moccasins. Tuck has now outgrown the sizes they offer 😭 so it is perfect timing to have a little one all over again to model these adorable baby shoes!! Julie has way too many and also not enough. We also really love supporting mompreneurs, so it’s easy to validate aaaaaalll the shoes she has. 

These two became best friends as soon as she entered the world, but now that she can crawl and move around and sit up all by herself, she does not a single of those by herself. Tuck is absolutely immersed in his baby sister. He BEGGED us when she was only a few days old to leave her on the floor with him so she could play. Melt this mama heart and now it’s exploding with all the joy and laughter and love I see shared between these two!!

Story time together as a family has so much more excitement as Tuck wants to explain and share every detail of every page with Julie, and make her find the bird or the star in every picture!! It’s so precious and just priceless moments we are both blessed to capture with them. 

Daddy’s work on the garage is nearing its end and we are so so thankful for his many talents and abilities!! What a labor of love this has been, but so worth it. Yes. Julie made sure to approve the outdoor lighting (still to be installed), the paint color we selected, and our carriage-style garage doors...which I LOVE!! 

Hard work calls for hard sleep and this girl knows how to get it done. I absolutely LOVE that she can take a peaceful nap in our backyard, feeling the wind blow through her little legs and toes, holding onto “Bop-Bop” her paci whom she never naps or sleeps without (except for those awful 21 days following her surgery when he was forbidden 😩) and yes still wearing that perfect little headband!! Can I love her anymore?!??

God’s blessings are so abundantly vivid in our babies and this picture right here is a perfect example of His unfailing love and grace over us. Julianna wanted NOTHING to do with a spoon (especially if it had food on it) just 4 months prior which was right before her surgery. So many traumatic and emotionally challenging (for all of us) events were wrapped around a simple tool that we use every single day without hesitation or a second thought. Now she continues to eat basically everything we offer her on a spoon. Praise Jesus!! His ways are higher. 

I know I’ve said this before but every time I see our sweet baby girl wrapped and bundled in this blanket it makes me think of my own precious mama and how she must have felt the exact same way towards me. We are so much alike and my life goal is seriously to be just like my mom. I am so thankful she saved this baby blanket that I was wrapped and snuggled in as a baby too. I will absolutely do the same for Julianna to have one day for her own baby girl. What a treasure. 

I finally started training in Krav Maga with the best and hottest instructor on earth.  No seriously, if you haven’t checked out one of his classes, you definitely should! He’s SUCH a great teacher. 

...and you know I’m gonna share lots of pics of our littles just because I can and honestly because I can’t believe how much they change in a years time!!! 

We were still living in our condo at this time while renovating our home, but I am so thankful to have captured these special moments of them together...

...Julianna pulling up to peek out over her crib railingπŸ’—...

Some seasons are meant for blogging and others (apparently) are not 🀣 Goodness, it’s been 7 months since I last posted and that was from January of last year 😳 here is a quick catch-up from 2017...

...favorite hat day at school for Tuck. Those Spider-Man crocs were also his very favorite...

...those little hands and fingers and her precious little head...

...time with our Krav friends and family every Monday night...

...after-school snacks on the front porch...

...and swinging with Daddy and Grandad while they take a quick break from house renovations. I’m pretty sure they were installing new sheetrock ceilings at this point in time...

...but goodness gracious those smiles just make my heart swell up with so much joy and thankfulness for this season in our lives. It’s not easy waiting. It’s hard letting daddy go each morning to the house to work, but what a treasure that we can hop in the car and go right over there too and bring lunch and share giggles and laugh and plan and be every kind of excited imaginable for our soon to be new home...

...a home where prayerfully so so so many more moments just like this will be shared and enjoyed... yes sneaking ice cream to his baby sister!!!! Those eyes of hers melt me every single time I look in them! 

And this one, he makes me the happiest person in the world. No one else on earth fills my cup the way he does and I just couldn’t be more thankful for him and how he has sacrificed so much for our family to have this incredible life WITH him. 

Clearly I’m not the only one who feels this way. Julie absolutely adores her daddy and it’s preeeeetty obvious he feels the exact same about her. She’s a daddy’s girl by far and I can’t help but believe that his presence at home every single day has played such a huge role in her deep deep love and admiration for him. 

Once in awhile, we get to sneak away for a date and we chose The Cheesecake Factory for this special night out. I love celebrating life with him, and here’s to a Happy early Birthday, babe. 34 never looked so good πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

Julianna keeps growing by the day and here she is swinging outside the church with Mama while Daddy is recognized as Instructor of the Year for his outstanding teaching. Somehow we missed a pic of that moment but when you have an almost ONE year old, I guess that justifies the gaps in pics and a few missed photo opps....

...I will however manage to capture her playing in all of mama’s high heels!!! This girl loves her accessories!!

One moment you’re holding your newborn baby boy for the very first time and the next he’s turning FOUR!!!! I just can’t believe how much you’ve grown and how quickly this monumental moment in time has come. In our family, we tend to celebrate birthdays all month long, or at least for several days all in a row.

We take walks with no shirts on (Julianna only 🀣) and we giggle and play peek-a-boo...

...we take pictures everywhere we go and celebrate days even when there’s nothing to actually celebrate except life, love and laughter...

...and this year we absolute took advantage of our new back yard and had a very special outside birthday party with all of our family and friends!!! Of course I failed to take pictures during the moments because I was present as mommy and not even worried about having my phone on me...

...these are moments we won’t get back and I am forever grateful for the time we shared together with Tucker on his special day. 

I’m also thankful I was able to snag this one. My sweet mama with our Julie. Oh how she loves her mamaw. This is one I’ll always treasure. 

We wrapped up his birthday weekend at the park and had the BEST time. Family selfies are a smidge more challenging now πŸ€£πŸ™ŒπŸΌ but i won’t complain for one second because yes our hands are full but our hearts are OVERFLOWING!!! Thank you Jesus for these precious babies and for my amazing husband. Your ways are always higher. Your timing is always perfect. And this seems like a perfect place to wrap up this post and begin a new one. Soon. 

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