Friday, July 12, 2013

TFM: 3-Months. July 12, 2013.

Three months have come and gone already!

We are savoring every single second we have with this little guy, because time is flying!

We bought Tuck a new bumbo!

He is so adorable sitting in it!

It brings such joy to see our little guys personality coming out more and more every day. He is truly the sweetest baby on earth.

And, the cutest! I keep saying my love for him simply can't grow any stronger...

...but then he smiles really big like this, and my heart completely melts all over again!

Then he smiles at his daddy like this, and I have to leave the room because I'm so overwhelmed with love for them both. Everyone tells you how tired you'll be, how you won't remember anything, and you won't have time to eat or take care of yourself. That all may be true, but no one can prepare you for the amount of love and overwhelming emotion you experience as a new mother. It's incredible!

Tucker loves and adores his Grandad and Mimi (Todd's parents). We often meet them for breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. He always gives them the best big grin, and sweet little coos of excitement when he sees them. 

Tuck is already learning how to sit up in his bumbo, without slouching over to one side or the other. He loves helping mommy in the kitchen. 

He loves looking at himself in the mirror, which I think is just the cutest thing ever!

He loves sleeping on his tummy, with Patch right beside him.

He loves playdates with Ella Jane.

He loves hanging out in baby Barton's room, wondering if he'll have a little Luke or Audrey to play with too! 

He loves swimming, and I love seeing him in his little swimmy diaper and his giant swimmy hat! I call him my little pirate.

Tuck loves, and I mean LOVES going for morning walks/jogs together. He loves seeing all of the trees and leaves, and he coos and smiles and goos over them passing by above!! It's precious!

He loves his carseat in general....unless we have extended his time in it, of course. This is such a blessing, because I know and have heard of many babies NOT loving their carseat from the get-go. 

Tuck is learning to love his tummy time more and more!

I know he's preparing for his inch-worming army crawl....already raising up on his little hands

He's learning to focus really well on colorful objects, or toys that make fun sounds.

I absolutely love when he focuses on mommy, and looks at me with those sweet baby eyes.

I love when he cuddles close with me, and breathes softly on my neck or chest. Nothing is better.

I love when his mouth falls open while he's sleeping, because I know he's oh so comfortable in mommy's arms. And I love how he still holds onto me while he's sleeping. 

I just love.....him.

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