Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 24! New Year's Day 5k. January 1, 2013.

2013 is here!! This is such an exciting day as it marks the beginning of the year that our son, Tucker Frank Mills, will be born, come into our home, and radically change our lives and hearts. We are so excited, and are truly just trying to enjoy every second of this journey, our pregnancy, and the planning and anticipation of all that will come with our little bundle of joy.

To kick our year off, we ALL ran the New Year's Day 5k on Neyland Drive. Yes, all THREE of us crossed the finish line, soaking wet from the steady downfall of a soft, misty rain, and lots of rain puddles that completely drown your shoes and feet. It was so much fun though!

It's sponsored by Eddie's Health Shoppe, whom we are a HUGE fan, and from where we purchase our all-natural, post workout, protein recovery powder. It was also sponsored by Calhouns, who catered breakfast afterwards. A much needed helping of fresh fruit, a blueberry bagel, and some orange juice hit the spot....oh but after a bathroom visit first! Haha! The combination of pregnancy, running, and rain, made for a very full bladder =)

I actually had every intention of walking the race. But it was cold, raining, and I knew the race was completely flat. Plus, I have some of the most competitive genes ever on earth. So when the gun sounded to start the race, this mama took off!! Mind you, it wasn't a sprint, or even a fast-pace run, but a nice, steady jog, that I was able to maintain the entire time. Baby Tuck and I finished the race at a flat 10min/mi pace...not too bad for being 6 months pregnant!

I'm so thankful for a healthy body, a healthy pregnancy, the ability to walk and/or run, and a husband that supports my healthy/active desires, even (and especially) when I am pregnant. So many people have fussed at me for walking, fussed at me for lifting weights, working out, crossfitting, pretty much anything I've done to exert energy at all. It's actually humerous to me....

I have had the best pregnancy I could have ever imagined, and I owe it all first, to my wonderful Lord who has blessed me with this opportunity, and who has blessed me with a healthy baby, and healthy lifestyle desires. Second, I strongly believe exercising (whether running, walking, swimming, crossfitting, etc) is a huge part of how great I have felt every day, every week and every month of my pregnancy. The very few times I have awakened with a tight back, or tired legs, I go for a walk or a run, or I hit the weights, and guess what....I feel SO much better! You might too if you gave it a try!! It's never too late to get started =)

I'm also so very proud of my husband, who has worked his tail off in the gym, and has seen the greatest improvements in his level of fitness, strength, and endurance. He would remain humble, and never even mention this, but he had his best 5k time in this race, AND after he crossed the finish line, he came back to me, and finished again with Tuck and I. I know I say it all the time, but I am the most blessed woman, wife, and expectant mother ever. I see LOTS of races and athletic events in our future as a family of three.

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