Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Georgia Bday for Jamesy. A Name for Baby Mills. December 2012.

Time is FLYING! It doesn't seem too long ago, that I blogged about our trip to Greenville, SC to meet our 3rd nephew, James Lawrence Barr. Now, we are on a road trip to Canton, GA for his first birthday party....simply can't believe he's already turning 1!

On our drive down, we stopped in Athens and toured Mayfield Dairy Farms. I am from Madisonville, but I basically grew up 10 minutes down the road in Athens. My family knows the Mayfield family, and we drove through Mayfield farms and the plant property nearly every single day on our way to church and/or school, and we grew up drinking their milk, and eating their icecream, but I had never toured their facility. 

It was SO much fun! You have to wear hair nets, and for men, that means covering any facial hair also. So my adorable and so much fun husband looked like Santa!! The group we toured with had at least 5-6 little kids among two different families that were traveling together. Their dads didnt have facial hair, so Todd was the only one with a fun beard net resembling Santa's fluffy white beard. I was laughing the entire time because the kids just kept staring at him with this little glow in their eyes!! It was the funniest thing ever. I love that my husband can make me laugh SO much all of the time.

We made it to Evan and Rebecca's, and this is what I see now when I look down....BEFORE dinner!  Mind you, I am a little bit slumped down in the couch, but hey....that's a baby boy growing big and strong!!! The next best part of our trip was getting to tell my family the name we picked for this active little guy. 

We used a website recommended by one of Todd's coworkers to generate a list of names. We came up with 4-5 names that we both really liked. Then we had all of our family names from both sides to sort through as well. I was just certain that it would take the rest of the pregnancy to determine the most appropriate and fitting name. Nope....4 days after finding out it's a boy, we chose his name.

Tucker Frank Mills

It changes everything in your pregnancy first, when you find out what your having, and then when you choose their name. The connection between mommy, daddy, and baby Tuck grew instantly and dramatically. Being able to call him Tuck, sing to Tuck, and label everything we think about or buy for him with "Tuck" or "Tucker" is priceless to me. 

My family was so excited, and made such a big deal over how much they loved his name, which meant the absolute world to us. I so love having the best mom in the world, and the best brothers/sister-n-laws ever, who share so much in our excitement. I couldn't ask for anything more. 

After we revealed Tucker's name to Mom, Evan, and Rebecca, we hi-tailed it to dinner! This mama's hungry! They took us to their favorite restaurant in Canton, La Parrilla!! Who doesn't love mexican? Chicken Fajitas are always a healthy and delicious meal! 

Little Jamsey fell asleep holing onto his Aunt Janice's bracelet. So cute!! Something about that carseat...gets him every time. I think he was secretly resting up for the big day ahead tomorrow...his FIRST BIRTHDAY!! We spent the rest of the evening getting everything ready for the party.

This is James' antique high chair (which I'm crazy about), with fun birthday flags for his big day.

We had pimento cheese sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, chex mix, chips/dip....

...and this incredible football cake, which Becca made herself!! Mom and I helped with some of the carving and stacking strategies, and maybe ate a few of the trimmings with icing, but Becca rocked the football birthday cake!

She made an all organic birthday cake for James. I don't remember what she said she used, but he loved it! Happy Birthday, James!!!

Evan, Becca, and James! 

You have to know there are great benefits to your dad being the Head Strength and Conditioning coach at Reinhardt University. Yes, it means you get to have your first birthday party at the Strength Facility, and you get to play football on the field, AND you get to stay after the party with Uncle Todd and Aunt Janice to watch the BCS bowl on 2 massively large projector screens! 

He's already nailed the juke. Becca also embroidered his little 01 onesie. Its so cute!

Look how wittle he is!! Love that little birthday boy! 

Not positive what his thought process is here, but I bet he's thinking "Game Time!"

Of all of the fun toys and gifts he recieved, most of which are actual toys he can play with, I was the aunt that bought the practical "gift for mommy" ... sippy cups of all kinds to try out. To my great surprise, James LOVED his new sippy! He carried it around the rest of the evening, drank lots of healthy water, and made my day over and over again.

We had the best time visiting with our family. I managed to miss a picture again, of Collin, Billy, Benjamin, Tristan, who made it to the party too. We even skyped with Andy while he was at a conference so he could see Jamesy on his birthday. That was really cool, and we also took advantage of that opportunity to tell Andy, Collin, and the boys Tuck's name. They loved it too!!! Day made. Completely made.

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