Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 18: It's a BOY! November 24, 2012.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 was our anatomy ultrasound. FINALLY!! We were so excited to see this active little baby on the monitor, and validate that all of his or her organs were healthy, and that he or she was growing and thriving well. 

We had planned all along to go against the flow, and NOT find out the baby's gender. Well, at least not for a few days. We knew we wanted this to be a special time, as it's such an exciting moment to find out if you're having a boy or girl. 

No offense to our ultrasound tech, but we just didn't want to find out in a dark room with her. We wanted to find out with our families, who we knew would be super ecstatic, and overwhelm us with lots of excitement and hugs. This however, meant waiting from 330pm Tuesday until 6pm Saturday to find out our baby's gender. 

We weren't even sure we would be able to find out during the scan, because his/her legs were crossed with the umbilical cord stuck between them. It literally took at least 5-7 minutes of probing, repositioning, and what felt like stabbing my belly with the ultrasound wand to get this little one to cooperate. All this time, we had our heads turned and our eyes closed. Finally, she was able to tell, but I was nervous as to whether she really knew or just guessed. "Oh, I wouldn't tell you unless I was 100% certain."

She printed out our pictures, and sealed the baby's gender reveal photo in an envelope. I didn't even touch it. It went straight into the hands of my patient husband. We then met with Dr Saunders (who we are really beginning to love now) and she explained everything in the photos, and went over great details of what's to come throughout the 2nd/3rd trimesters. 
From the beginning of our pregnancy, Todd has been certain we're having a boy. I however, had been certain we're having a girl....that is, until I saw this incredibly sweet profile, that in my opinion, just looks like a little boy. We'll know soon enough...actually, not soon enough, but we'll know soon.

We had already discussed our gender reveal idea with our very dear friend, Kelly Mainor, who was beyond thrilled when I asked if she would make cupcakes to surprise us and our family. After leaving the office, we met with her husband, Ben, and gave him the envelope. Right before we left, he opened it and looked!! He smiled so big!!  Someone else (other than the tech) knows! I was fine until that point, but after that, the anticipation sky rocketed! The next day, I received an email from Kelly that said "Hey, not to rub it in, but I know what your baby is!" Oh the fun we had during those five days of waiting.

Todd went hunting with Ben early Saturday morning, and Kelly sent the cupcakes with Ben. They stayed nice and cool in Todd's truck all day, then made their grand appearance for the party. (I so wish I had taken a picture of them...too much excitement for this mommy to be...and I forgot). This was our family thanksgiving dinner, so both of our immediate families were there. We took a tally, including all the nephews, two of which are less than a year old =) but their vote counts too! Total votes: It's a Girl: 10, It's a Boy: 5.

**I have to interject a dream that my older brother, Andy had the week of the party. He called me and said, "Janice, I dreamed that we all bit into our cupcakes, and some were pink, some were blue, and some were yellow.... what would you do then??"  --I laughed so hard when he told me this, so I just had to share.

Everyone had a cupcake in hand, and at the count of 3 we all took an enormous bite (well I did anyways) to get straight to the center, where the blue or pink icing had been piped in. 


We were SO ELATED!!!! I couldn't stop smiling, and I still haven't. We are so thankful for this tiny little baby boy, who we pray will grow and develop as God sees best for him and for us. What a blessing he will be to our lives. We canNOT wait to meet him.

A few more funny's from the evening: 
1- Rebecca's dad joined our family for thanksgiving this year (we were so glad to have you with us!), and after all was said and done, he so adorably said, "I bit into that cupcake, and I couldn't even think about the icing in the middle being blue, it was so good I just had to keep eating it!"

2-Our oldest nephew Billy "I think you're having a girl Aunt Janice. But I REALLY hope you're having a boy so I can wrestle him...(giggles).... He got what he wished for!

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