Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Chapter Begins. August 13, 2012.

Please note, the focus and direction of this blog, is about to make a subtle but great change in direction. I have contemplated many times over whether blogging about our pregnancy is appropriate? considerate of others? and even prideful?? 

As those of you who know and follow us already, you are fully aware that we have been tremendously blessed with opportunities to travel overseas for missions, making many new and dear friends across the world. We hope we have the privilege of returning to your countries one day soon. 

We also have friends in multiple states across the country, whom we can keep updated through our blog. We feel the Lord has used our blog (especially our mission trips and nationwide travels) as a blessing to many, and through this, has allowed us the opportunity to keep close connections with those near as well as those far away. 

We have many couple friends with babies, and some with even more than one child now. We also have several friends who are experiencing the joys of pregnancy with us, and others who are struggling with infertility and are patiently awaiting the Lord's planning and timing in the expansion of their family. So, in hopes to keep a blog of our thoughts, experiences, and joys through our pregnancy and transition into parenthood, we sincerely hope our followers can also find joy and excitement with us, and maybe even a sense of encouragement from us. Without further adue.....

Monday, August 13, 2012 is a day I will never forget. Todd had already left for work, and I was getting ready for my morning workout. At this point in our lives, we are at a place where we would be thrilled to start a family, but also content if it is not yet the Lord's timing. Nevertheless, I am and always have been the most mindful person, meaning I am very aware of what's going on with my body. I knew I had approached a day where I could take a pregnancy test.


The last time this happened, in September 2011, I ran out of the bathroom with my positive pregnancy stick in hand and showed Todd right away. Well, he wasn't home this time. He was at work. What's worse?? he would come home around 445pm, but I would leave at 330pm for my evening shift at Children's Hospital. I wouldn't get home until 1230am while he's sleeping. And he would leave for work the next morning around 530am, while I'm sleeping.

Yeah, didn't quite time the whole pregnancy test taking very well. I guess I really wasn't expecting it to be positive this early. Oh, but it was. So....This meant I either needed to tell him over the phone, via text, or wait until dinner time Tuesday, when we would see each other, face to face, awake, for an extended period of time.

If you know me well at all, you know I am TERRIBLE, the worst in the world, at keeping secrets, especially from Todd. I tell him everything, all the time, way too much, every day and every night. He would agree with this statement, trust me =) Well, I had plenty of time to contemplate how I would tell Todd I'm pregnant....hopefully making this time a little more romantic and special than just throwing a positive pregnancy stick in his face.

Since I worked that night, I decided I needed a picture of the joy I was exuding, while secretly trying to google "best ways to announce pregnancy to your spouse" without spilling the beans at work. So, here I am, at exactly 3weeks, 3days. Yes, very early.

At this point, I will also admit that due to our previous miscarriage, I definitely had a more reserved and cautious excitement this time around. I even debated waiting to tell Todd until having blood work with reassuring levels, or waiting for my first appointment to go smoothly, etc. Those thoughts were immediately recognized as fear that Satan was putting in my mind. Doubt that God wouldn't bless us with a healthy pregnancy because our last one ended early. Time for rebuke Mr Devil. Get Thee Behind Me! (My mom always made me say that aloud when I had thoughts of fear and doubt). It totally worked!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012, finally came!! I had already made lunch plans with my very dear friend, Kathy, who was expecting as well. She was around the 19-20wk mark at this point in time, and so after having lunch with her, and just hearing her talk about her pregnancy, her husband's excitement and protection over her and her baby-to-be, I was ready. Ready to share the most exciting news ever with my sweet husband and daddy-to-be.

But how in the world should I tell him?? All the ideas online were kind of cheesy....make a "baby themed dinner" with baby back ribs, baby carrots, baby something else...and see if he figures out the theme. Well, that's just not us, and certainly not anything I would normally prepare for dinner, and it sounded gross to me. I decided to see what Hallmark had to offer in the way of pregnancy announcement cards.....

and I found these sweet little feet and toes....

...and the inside of the card said this,
"These tiny feet will be following in some wonderful footsteps."

My heart melted, and my emotions went completely haywire, which lead to me crying in the middle of the store, and the sweet old lady working the store that day (bless her heart), coming straight back to me to see if I needed help. In my childish whimpering voice, with a few sniffles between each word I said: have to buy this. She was precious, and took the card from me so I wouldn't sob or drop any tears on it, and walked with me to the check out counter (holding onto my elbow). She gave me the sweetest congratulations, and best wishes.

 I was able to get a grip on myself, and thankfully made it home in time to prepare a nice dinner, sign the card with just the right words (see below), and anxiously await Todd's arrival home to share the good news.

Never Once
Matt Redman
This song has been my heart's song since we lost our first baby. When my test resulted positive Monday morning, all I could do was sing this song over and over, and cry my heart out to God in thanksgiving and humbleness before Him. I used some of the lyrics from this very song in the card I bought for Todd. "Never once, did we ever walk alone. Never once, did You leave us on our own" He truly is faithful, always.

To sum up that evening, Todd was simply beside himself. He of course was his usual, comical self. When he pulled out the card, he said..."do we know this baby? Whose feet are these?" Then he proceeded to read the card, and said..."You're pregnant? I'm so glad! What do we do now? Did you call the doctor? His questions were endless. Very similar, in fact, to how I am when he gets home from work. I always know he's excited though when he asks so many questions in a row. It was adorable. He prayed for all three of us, that our baby will grow and develop according to God's plan and His Will for us.

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